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Just uploaded Kindle version.  Look Inside feature in Amazon is up and running.  Take a peek inside..........

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When searching Amazon, type Lights Out, a Cuban

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Just uploaded Kindle version.  Look Inside feature in Amazon is up and running.  Take a peek inside..........

There are several books with same title.
When searching Amazon, type Lights Out, a Cuban

Kindle Version

Many of you have asked why I didn't choose Kindle version in addition to paperback.  Kindle Version for Lights Out will be available on October 29.  I didn't realize it takes approximately two weeks for paperback to become available in Kindle.

Thank you for your understanding.

Book forthcoming and partial Editorial Letter

Hello everyone:

If all goes as planned, Lights Out: A Cuban Memoir of Betrayal and Survival will be available on Amazon next week. My plate is full as I work on promotion and marketing.

Writing this memoir has been a labor of love. I would like to share partial editorial letter I received as part of
line editing process.

Lights Out, by Dania Rosa Nasca

Main Objective

The preface sets the tone well, providing the context for your memoir and an overview of pre-Castro Cuba and Castro’s ascension to power. 

I thought the history and personal stories were well balanced, with the historical elements providing context for the personal stories. 

Because this was so well written, my focus was on punctuation, formatting, and some grammar issues.

Your comment in your questionnaire about the chronological structure sounded like you think it might not have been the best way to go, but I think it works well with the story you are telling. You let the reader see what Cuba was like before the revolution, how support for the revolution and Castro continued to build to a fever pitch, then the devastation of communist rule. Interwoven in this history lesson is a glimpse into the experiences of you, your family, and your friends during this time. I thought you skillfully used foreshadowing when telling a story of happier times to let the reader know that so much was going to change in such a short time.

The manuscript is divided into chapters and smaller subsections indicated by subheads. There are many transitions within the subsections, moving from history lesson to personal experiences and back, but I didn’t feel lost in the transitions. There were some instances where I thought transitions were abrupt, but I left them as is because, in this case, it jolts the reader from everyday family events to the harsh reality of the political climate.

I hope these edits and comments are valuable in helping the manuscript achieve your publishing goals. Good luck in your revision, and I wish you all the best for this manuscript and future books.

—Kate, CreateSpace Editor

Coming next week on Amazon

Lights Out: A Cuban Memoir of Betrayal and Survival

List Price: $13.99
Kindle: $9.99
5.25" x 8" (13.335 x 20.32 cm) 
Black & White on Cream paper
300 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1537036052 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 153703605X
LCCN: 2016913352
BISAC: Biography & Autobiography / Cultural Heritage,
Biography & Autobiography / Personal Memoirs

Back Cover

Even during the revolution to oust Batista, the republic of Cuba was a happy place.   

When Fidel Castro rises to power, that all changes.  Dania’s family, like so many others, is destroyed by the regime.  All she can ask herself is why:  Why are people disappearing? Why are neighbors informing on each other? Why did they cancel Christmas? Why was her father arrested?

Her anguish is matched only by her confusion. Her mother, traumatized by the stolen revolution, is left saying only, “Mi Cubita, Mi Cubita, how I loved you and how I lost you.”

Lights Out, Dania’s portrait of the loved and lost Cuba, is a heartbreaking look at the island and its people.


statsPageview chart 2768 pageviews - 134 posts, last published on Oct 9, 2016

September 9th - October 8th

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Czech Republic
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This is it......

Dear friends:  This is it!  Today I will click "Publish" to let Createspace know I have approved the final draft of Lights Out: a Cuban Memoir of Betrayal and Survival.  As soon as I get notice book is available on Amazon, I will let all of you know.  Since I work full time and can only check internet on breaks and lunch, Amazon may beat me to it.  Feel free to check Amazon on your own.

Lights Out is not just my experience and the experiences of my family.  It provides the reader with the history of the republic, the genius of Fidel Castro and his betrayal.

Please feel free to post a review on Amazon and or Goodreads.


Printed Proof

Printed Proof arrived yesterday.  I only need to make a few changes before giving final approval.  It feels surreal I'm actually holding Lights Out in book format!