Trial Stood Out
In Habana one of the
most notorious revolutionary trials started—the trial of Jesús Sosa Blanco, a
well-known colonel under Batista. As in all the other trials, the jury was a
revolutionary military tribunal composed of three judges. A lot of people,
including many Cuban and foreign reporters, attended the trial, which turned
into a circus. Spectators shouted vile comments at the accused, and Sosa Blanco
was summarily found guilty and executed. Many others were treated as unfairly,
but his trial stood out because the sham was so publically displayed, a clear
indication that a dictatorship was forming under which no one would get a fair
trial. Ironically, two years after Sosa Blanco’s trial, Sorí Marín, one of the
judges who presided at Sosa’s trial, was accused of treason by Fidel and was
executed. Another of the judges escaped Cuba to avoid Marín’s fate. This trial
set a precedent for all trials to come.
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