The masses adored Camilo Cienfuegos, the revolutionary commander. On October 21, 1959, Fidel sent good-hearted Camilo to arrest Matos. When they look back, Cubans who lived through the Revolution feel it was very possible that, when Fidel sent Camilo to arrest Matos, he hoped gunfire would be exchanged and both Camilo and Matos would be killed. Another possibility he hoped for was that if only Camilo were killed, his death would be blamed on Matos, and Fidel would be able to execute Matos without losing public favor. If these were Fidel’s plans—and many Cubans of that era believe they were—the plans failed.
Camilo and his men arrested Matos without a bullet being fired. Matos and his men were put on a plane to Habana on October 22, although the populace did not know Matos had been arrested until Fidel gave a televised tirade on October 26.
Partially from Como Llego la Noche by Huber Matos